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March 2015   Kern County Market Overview

March 2014  Market Overview


Subject: Business, Kern County economy, economic activity, demographics, quality of life


Description: For the past two years I have produced Kern EDC's Market Overview & Investor Directory. I increased the publication size from 12 pages to 88 by incorporatig extensive data and information aimed to enhance Kern County’s professional image as a place to do business; to communicate clearly and distinctly a vital profile of the region and its economic impact; and to serve as a positive reminder that Kern County offers an exceptional quality of life that deserves a closer look from our community and outside businesses alike.

This publication is vital to Kern County’s continued success and plays a major role in our marketing strategy as we work to make the region a top business competitor in the state and around the nation.

May 2011   Impact of the M.O.V.E. curriculum on students' foundational learning about sustainability


Subject: Environmental education; Sustainability -- Study and teaching


Description: Sustainability is a growing concept amongst education and throughout everyday life. This thesis takes a deeper look into what environmental sustainability indicates in terms of curriculum in co-curricular programming at the University of the Pacific, CA and how that relates to current trends at other institutions in the tertiary sector. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to examine the extent to which the Pacific Mountains, Ocean, Valley Experience (M.O.V.E.) impacted first-year students’ awareness and understanding of sustainability.

Marketing Publications
Academic Publications 

- Claude Bernard -

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind can ever feel”


Kern Economic Deveopment Foundation (KEDF)

High School Mentoring Curriculum





Subject: Social and emotional competencies, mentoring, post-secondary education 


Description: When I started working for Kern EDC, I jumped at the opportunity to update and revamp KEDF's existing curriculum for high school mentoring programs. I spent several months researching appropriate learning objectives and transformed a single year’s worth of content into a three-part series with editions for both mentors and students, appropriate for sophomores through seniors. This curriculum is still being used at two Bakersfield high schools by over 100 mentors and 250 students. I also participate in one of the mentoring programs as a mentor to ten wonderful ladies at Independence High School's Energy & Utility Career Academy.

Fiona Lytle, M.A.Ed.

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