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Kern Green

Board Member

The Kern Green Board is a select group of community leaders that have a deep understanding about sustainability (ecological, social and economic interplay) in order to better inform the community and businesses on the benefits of improving their environment through education and awareness that will contribute to the economic vitality and environmental conservation of our region.

Kern County Board of Supervisors proclaimed September 9th as Kern Green Day!

Kern Green Awards Banquet

Each year we recognize businesses and individuals who adopt sustainable practices in Energy Efficiency, Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling, Sustainable Purchasing, Air Quality Improvement, Eco Co-Worker, Eco Volunteer, Eco Educator, Overall Green, and Green Service.

Student volunteers, from Independence High School's Energy & Utility Career Academy, help each year and we honestly couldn't put on a successful event without them!


Fiona Lytle, M.A.Ed.

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